Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology
The data shown below is old because we are rolling out a new system for clinics to submit their data to us. This is a large project requiring clinics to check data for over 420,000 cycles. Once complete in 2025, you will be able to see data on treatments from January 2020 to December 2023, and births from January 2019 to December 2022.
The Choose a Fertility Clinic pages show data on births from 2018, and pregnancies from 2019. Clinics may have their own more recent data, which can’t be compared to a national average and remains unverified by the HFEA until our new system is completed.
Clinic profile accordion
We inspect all clinics against our standards. This clinic's inspection rating is:
Last inspection: 1 January 0001
Licensed until: 1 January 0001
Inspection report and minutes- Interim
13 January 2025PDF | 347 Kb
Inspection report and minutes- Renewal
25 March 2024PDF | 448 Kb
Inspection report and minutes- Interim
09 February 2023PDF | 363 Kb
Licence Committee minutes- Other
23 March 2021PDF | 247 Kb
Inspection report and minutes- Interim
03 March 2020PDF | 261 Kb
Inspection report and minutes- Renewal
29 March 2018PDF | 222 Kb
Inspection report and minutes- Interim
09 February 2016PDF | 122 Kb
Licence Committee minutes- Renewal
20 May 2015PDF | 124 Kb
Inspection report and minutes- Renewal
22 May 2014PDF | 351 Kb
Inspection report and minutes- Renewal
20 March 2014PDF | 185 Kb
Inspection report and minutes- Renewal
23 January 2014PDF | 360 Kb
Inspection report and minutes- Renewal
22 November 2013PDF | 354 Kb
Inspection report and minutes- Renewal
23 November 2011PDF | 329 Kb
Inspection report and minutes- Renewal
14 September 2011PDF | 286 Kb
Inspection report and minutes- Renewal
13 July 2011PDF | 913 Kb
Licence Committee minutes
08 April 2011PDF | 478 Kb
Inspection report and minutes- Renewal
10 March 2010PDF | 2288 Kb
Inspection report and minutes- Interim
16 September 2009PDF | 555 Kb
Licence Committee minutes
15 July 2009PDF | 491 Kb
Inspection report and minutes- Interim
20 May 2009PDF | 588 Kb
Inspection report and minutes
11 March 2009PDF | 175 Kb
Inspection report and minutes
02 April 2008PDF | 142 Kb
You can view this clinic's waiting times for treatment with donated eggs, sperm or embryos below. Use the table below to give you an idea of the availability at the clinic. Please contact the clinic for the most up to date information.
Ethnicity | Waiting times |
White | No data available |
Black | No data available |
Asian | No data available |
Mixed | No data available |
Other ethnic groups | No data available |
Ethnicity | Waiting times |
White | No data available |
Black | No data available |
Asian | No data available |
Mixed | No data available |
Other ethnic groups | No data available |
Ethnicity | Waiting times |
White | No data available |
Black | No data available |
Asian | No data available |
Mixed | No data available |
Other ethnic groups | No data available |
- 5th Floor
- Du Cane Road
- London
- W12 0NN
Opening hours
Monday to Friday: contact the clinic
Saturday: contact the clinic
Sunday: contact the clinic