Our blog
Welcome to our blog. On this page we will share topical issues involving the fertility sector.
Welcome to our blog!
Our blog is a space to share valuable and relevant information and personal experiences from the fertility sector. Our blog features:
- insights from our staff and Authority members
- guest articles from fertility experts, patients and those affected by fertility treatment
- valuable tips on how you can best use our website and resources to find the information you're looking for.
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Scroll to the 30th anniversary expert series.
Our blog
08/03/25 - International Women’s Day 2025: Celebrating pioneering women in the world of fertility
This International Women’s Day, the theme is “For ALL women and girls: Rights. Equality. Empowerment”. At the HFEA, four of our Authority members have taken the opportunity to spotlight some of the inspiring women who have led to lasting change in the field of fertility.
10/02/2025 - National Apprenticeship Week 2025: “I hope my experiences will prove to be a useful force towards my HFEA work”
To mark National Apprenticeship Week 2025, HFEA PR & Communications Assistant, and GCS Apprentice, Eleanor Morrison, shares her experience in this blog.
04/02/2025 - Fertility preservation before chemotherapy: “Freezing my eggs was a choice that empowered me”
In this blog, Lauren Firenze Gill shares her experience of freezing her eggs before undergoing chemotherapy.
06/01/2025 - Navigating fertility treatment: “Fear is what holds many South Asians back from being honest about their fertility journeys”
In this blog, Seetal shares her experience of IVF and donor egg IVF as a South Asian fertility patient.
02/12/2024 - Solo parenting: “Yes, it is incredibly hard, but it is without doubt the most rewarding thing I have ever done.”
In this blog, Leigh, a fertility patient, shares her story of her journey to solo motherhood.
19/11/2024 - The IVF journey: “Sharing my story through writing and conversations with friends helped me navigate the isolation of infertility”
In this blog, Scott, Author of My Boys Can’t Swim, discusses his own fertility journey and shares advice for those currently going through fertility treatment.
18/10/2024 - Black History Month: “It’s time to acknowledge the challenges that remain. Only by addressing them can we ensure that all women have equal access to the care they need and deserve.”
In this blog, Dr. Christine Ekechi, Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, discusses the disparities that are impacting Black women’s treatment outcomes and what needs to be done in order to create lasting change.
17/09/2024 - Male infertility: “It’s not just about having a few extra tests. It’s about the right emotional and medical support.”
In this blog, Ian, founder of testhim, discusses the issue of male infertility and what more needs to be done to shift the “blame” away from women.
Isabel and Sarah, a donor conceived person and her mum, share their story in finding Isabel’s donor, accessing support and early disclosure of her conception status.
12/08/2024 - Our Director of Strategy and Corporate Affairs, Clare Ettinghausen, comments on the upcoming donor compensation increase
From 1 October 2024, compensation for egg and sperm donors will increase, marking the first change since it was introduced in 2011.
25/07/24 - World Embryologist Day: “One of the best parts of being an embryologist is interacting with our patients”
In this blog, Ellie shares how she became an embryologist and what she enjoys about her role.
19/07/24 - Our Chair, Julia Chain, comments on media coverage of our Fertility Trends 2022 report
“We do not judge, blame or criticise those who are accessing treatment at any stage.”
27/04/24 - International Donor Conception Awareness Day: Isabel’s blog
Isabel Paterson talks to the HFEA about her experience as a donor-conceived person.
26/01/24 - Treatment add-ons: “A chat over coffee changed my life”
In this blog a former patient shares her experience with being offered treatment add-ons and gives some advice to patients who are may be considering it.
08/12/23 - Donor Conception: things to consider before applying for information
In this blog, Angela Pericleous-Smith, Chair of the British Infertility Counselling Association (BICA), explores the thoughts and feelings that may occur when considering whether to apply for information about your donor.
29/11/23 - Fertility treatment: the forgotten partner
In this blog, Andreia, a former fertility patient and member of the patient engagement forum, talks about the struggles of the partner during fertility treatment.
31/10/23 - Black History Month: how fibroids delayed my IVF treatment
To mark Black History Month and #FertilityEquity, Kwenza shares her IVF story which brings awareness to a medical issue that disproportionately affects women of African-Caribbean origin.
19/09/23 - Donor conception: how to apply for information through the HFEA
The first young people affected by changes to UK donor anonymity law in 2005 become eligible to find out who their donor is. Read this blog to find out more.
05/09/23 - PCOS: journey to a diagnosis
In this blog, Andreia, a fertility patient, opens up about her experience of infertility and her eventual diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
25/07/23 - World Embryologist Day: ‘You really feel that you are helping people’
To celebrate World Embryologist Day, HFEA Authority Member and Clinical Embryologist Jason Kasraie, reflects on how his career and how the sector has changed over time.
12/05/23 - International Nurses Day: ‘It’s a job like no other’
Clinical Inspector and nurse Nicola, blogs about what sparked her interest in nursing and how her 20 years of experience has equipped her for her HFEA role.
20/04/23 - Geography lottery: it sadly matters where you live when you want to start a family through fertility treatment
Does geography play a role in who may be able to access fertility treatment? The short answer is yes. Urban areas are better served with assisted fertility.
03/04/23 - Treatment stress: a 30-minute emotional rollercoaster of an appointment
To mark stress awareness month, Mel writes this blog to explain how she felt ahead of egg collection.
24/03/23 - HFEA Chair highlights where modernisation of UK fertility law is most needed
In this blog, HFEA Chair, Julia Chain, highlights four key areas for change within the HFE Act.
20/03/23 - Trying to conceive with endometriosis and PCOS
This Endometriosis Awareness Month, Helen shares her experience of endometriosis and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and how the conditions affected her fertility.
14/03/23 - Professor Turi King reacts to HFEA consultation on modernising UK fertility law
In this blog, geneticist Professor Turi King shares her views on donor anonymity in response to the HFEA opening a consultation on UK fertility law.
08/02/23 - National Apprenticeship Week 2023: ‘Two months in and I have already learnt so much’
To mark National Apprenticeship Week 2023, HFEA PR & Communications Assistant, and GCS Apprentice, Molly Burnett shares her experience in this blog.
07/12/22 - Egg donation: Joanne shares her experience of using an egg donor
Joanne had several rounds of IVF before deciding to use an egg donor. In this blog, Joanne discusses her initial fears about donation.
09/11/22 - New guidance published to support women transitioning from fertility to maternity care
RCN’s Professional Lead for Midwifery and Women’s Health Carmel Bagness blogs about the ‘Transition from Fertility to Maternity Care’ guidance.
23/09/22 - Cancer and fertility: an adolescent perspective
In this blog, Conor, a young person who was diagnosed with cancer, talks about the challenges he faced when trying to decide whether to preserve his fertility.
29/03/22 - The HFEA 30 years on - what needs to change?
‘The HFEA 30 years on - what needs to change?’ - blog by Julia Chain, HFEA Chair.
22/02/22 - Fertility treatment and I
Laura-Rose Thorogood, Founder of The LGBT Mummies Tribe, on becoming a mother
15/02/22 - Reducing multiple births: giving patients the best chance of a healthy baby
Jane Denton, Director of The Multiple Births Foundation, looks at the progress made to reduce IVF multiple birth rates.
10/10/21 - How to thrive and not simply survive during fertility treatment
Clare Goulty on her fertility journey spanning six years.
07/07/21 - My children have a wonderful life, but part of them will always wonder where they come from
Tracy shares her journey of being a parent to donor-conceived children.
05/07/21 - I was delighted that a child had been born from my donation, but had a strong emotional response
Donor Andrew shares his experience of discovering that a child had been born using his donation.
22/06/21 - Surrogacy in the UK is built on trust and patience, but it's absolutely possible to create your family this way
Michael from TwoDads talks about their experience with using surrogacy to have their family.
26/04/21 - My advice for fertility patients: be informed and confident in your knowledge about treatment add-ons
Former fertility patient Jo, who had her baby after five years of fertility treatment, shares her advice on treatment add-ons and the importance of information.
15/03/21 - Breaking the myths about Endometriosis
Chief Executive of Endometriosis UK, Emma Cox, dispels some myths about the condition for Endometriosis Awareness Month.
18/12/20 - Give yourself the ultimate gift of self-compassion - permission to look after yourself
Angela Pericleous-Smith, Chair of BICA, offers advice on dealing with the festive season and its emotional complications.
28/10/20 - As an informed and evolved young Black woman, with exposure to information, even I blamed myself for our infertility
Noni Martins is a Zimbabwean-British blogger at unfertility.com who hopes to break the silence, stigma and shame by demystifying the infertility & IVF journey.
13/10/20 - #BlackLivesMatter in fertility treatment too
Reverend Ermal Kirby, ordained minister of The Methodist Church and member of the Authority, discusses infertility issues in the African and Caribbean communities.
30/09/20 - How and why does fertility treatment vary for families?
Amanda Evans, HFEA Research Manager, discusses our latest report: Family formations in fertility treatment 2018 (published September 2020).
18/09/20 - The challenges of the pandemic on the fertility sector, what we learnt and how we responded
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought big changes to all of us. The fertility sector is no exception.

To mark our historic milestone and take a forward view to the future of the fertility sector, our legislation and our regulatory role, our 30th anniversary series features thought-proving views from experts on key issues such as donor anonymity, responsible innovation and modern regulatory powers.
30th anniversary expert series
26/11/21 - The Sperm Donor’s Dilemma
Professor Turi King looks at the sperm donor’s dilemma
12/11/21 - Harnessing the full power of CRISPR-mediated genome editing
Rebecca Lea and Kathy Niakan discuss the development of CRISPR-based techniques.
30/09/21 - Future perfect: possible children, science and ethics
David Archard's thoughts on the Warnock Report's discussion about future possible developments in the gene editing of early-stage embryos.
08/09/21 - Anonymity for donors until children turn 18 – can this be maintained?
Debbie Kennett discusses whether anonymity for donors until children turn 18 can be maintained.
31/05/21 - Embryos, genes & regulation: the impact of scientific progress on future reproductive medicine and the HFEA
Andy Greenfield looks at the impact of scientific progress on future reproductive medicine and the HFEA.
22/04/21 - Navigating your way through fertility information
Fertility Network's Kate Brian on the importance of access to good support and accurate information for fertility patients.
31/03/21 - The HFEA at 30: Is society ready for the law to change?
Outgoing HFEA Chair Sally Cheshire has her say on what our 30th anniversary means.
09/02/21 - The HFEA at 30: where do we go from here?
2021 is the 30th anniversary of the HFEA. In this article Peter Thompson, our Chief Executive looks to the future of fertility treatment.
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Review date: 6 September 2026