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HFEA launches new fertility data dashboard, thought to be the first of its kind in the world

  • The dashboard holds national UK fertility data from 1991
  • Users can customise data by age, IVF treatment and view success rates for a particular group or by UK nation and region
  • The dashboard includes information on egg freezing and thawing
  • The dashboard comes with a friendly ‘how to’ video tutorial

The Human Fertility and Embryology Authority (HFEA) is today launching its new data dashboard – thought to be the first of it its kind in the world.

The HFEA holds information on fertility treatments, patients, partners, donors and children born as a result of these treatments in the UK, which is believed to be the longest running database of its kind in the world.

With data going back over 30 years, the dashboard will be a useful resource for clinicians, researchers and journalists. The dashboard offers access to accurate and customisable UK-wide data which is quickly and easily accessible on the HFEA website.

Visitors to the dashboard are able to break down data on fertility treatments, birth rates and egg freezing and thawing information, by type of treatment, age and location.

To help users navigate the new dashboard, you can see our short ‘how to’ video tutorial here.

Peter Thompson, Chief Executive of the HFEA said:

“The HFEA has collected data on all IVF and donor insemination treatments performed in the UK since 1 August 1991. In recent years, there are more than 70,000 fertility treatments a year.

“As the fertility sector has progressed over the past 30 years, so too has the opportunity to improve how we present and share data. Our new data dashboards mark the next step in even greater information transparency.

“For researchers, finding out vital data about fertility treatment in the UK previously meant submitting enquiries one by one. The launch of the dashboard will ensure our wealth of data can be used to gain further insight which could, in turn, improve outcomes for all.”

Click here to access the dashboard.


Notes to editors

  • For more information, please contact
  • The data in the dashboard is not a replacement for medical advice. Patients should discuss treatment directly with their clinic who will provide advice based on their personal circumstances and medical history.

About the HFEA

  • The HFEA is the UK’s independent regulator of fertility treatment and research using human embryos.
  • Set up in 1990 by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act, the HFEA is responsible for licensing, monitoring, and inspecting fertility clinics - and taking enforcement action where necessary - to ensure everyone accessing fertility treatment receives high quality care.
  • The HFEA is an ‘arm’s length body’ of the Department for Health and Social Care, working independently from Government providing free, clear, and impartial information about fertility treatment, clinics and egg, sperm and embryo donation.
  • The HFEA collects and verifies data on all treatments that take place in UK licensed clinics which can support scientific developments and research and service planning and delivery.
  • The HFEA holds records of all fertility treatments and outcomes taking place in licensed clinics since 1991.
  • The HFEA is funded by licence fees, IVF treatment fees and a grant from UK central government. For more information visit,

Review date: 30 January 2026