New business plan for 2021-2022
We have published our new business plan for 2021-2022. This sets out how we will deliver our strategic vision of regulating for excellence: shaping the future of fertility care and treatment.
We have published our new business plan for 2021-2022. This sets out how we will deliver our strategic vision of regulating for excellence: shaping the future of fertility care and treatment. This business plan represents the first full year of our 2020 - 2024 strategy.
Our focus in our 30th anniversary year will be to continue to support the sector in Covid-19 recovery, while taking steps to improve the care and information available to patients and advancing discussions about the future of fertility treatment and scientific developments, including the modernisation of our Act.
The activities set out in this business plan will help us to deliver our strategic objectives in 2021-2022, to regulate for excellence: shaping the future of fertility care and treatment.
Review date: 8 September 2023